End of Lease Cleaning Tips: Removing marks from the wall

Landlords and agents notice the walls, first while on inspection. In addition to that, cleaned walls help to make the room bright. So, it’s a crucial part of the end of lease cleaning. Likewise, you will be barred from getting your deposited bond if the cleaning is not done correctly. Hence, people usually opt for professional bond cleaning Canberra service to ensure the cleaning is done properly. However, if you are doing the cleaning you should know the proper method otherwise you may lose your money. 

Here are the wall cleaning tips that you can follow to remove common marks.

For Wall Marks

Wall marks have a variety of causes, it often occurs anytime anywhere which is uncertain. One thing is sure that you can get rid of wall marks with the following tricks.

For normal marks

  1. Mix 1 cup of purified white vinegar with 1 bucket of water.
  2. Wipe from top to bottom with old cotton or microfibre cloth.

For stubborn stains:

  1. Mix ½ cup of white vinegar with ⅓ cup of water.
  2. Form a smooth solution.
  3. Apply the solution, a little bit at a time.
  4. Blotting frequently with a dry cloth until the stain disappears.

And there you have it – smooth and clean wall…!

For Crayon Stains from the Wall

Toothpaste and baking soda play an effective role in cleaning different types of household areas as well as removing crayon marks. 


  1. Grab toothpaste gently and put toothpaste on a toothbrush. Make it sure that the toothpaste is used for tooth whitening as it contains baking soda which will help to remove the stains completely.
  2. Then make a thick paste by diluting baking soda in water in a small bowl (mixing ¼ cup of baking soda with ¼ cup of warm water). To make it more effective, you can also use vinegar instead of water.
  3. Make it sure that the brush is dust-free. Take a toothbrush and gently rub onto the crayon stain marks in a circular motion.
  4. Once you remove the crayon marks from the wall, wipe the wall with a clean damp cloth. If the marks are still visible, apply the paste once again and wipe the area with a clean damp cloth.

For Furniture Smudge Marks

When furniture makes contact with a wall, smudging may take place as it will not only decline the beauty of the wall but also make it difficult to clean. At the end of the lease, these marks can cause serious issues between tenants and the landlord. So, it is important to know how to clean it successfully.


  • Use an all-purpose household cleaner.
  • Spray the cleaner onto the soft cloth and scrub the smudge mark.
  • Wipe off with a dry cloth.

For Food Stains

Food stains on the walls are a major problem for everyone. Kitchen walls often get these stains. If we leave food stains for a long time, it will become difficult to remove and can be only wiped with the expensive cleaner and other methods. So, it is important to wipe out food stains instantly whenever you see it. 

Follow the below-mentioned procedure to clean it.


  • Mix a few cups of warm water with some soap.
  • Dip your cloth into the mixture.
  • Gently rub the stain with the damp cloth until you see the stain.
  • Wait until the wall dries and the stain will be gone.

For Moulds

Mould is a fungus that is developed from aerial spores which are often caused by high humidity and lack of ventilation. Mould on walls is caused by condensation, humidity and water leaks. You would face problems when your bond money is at stake as well as Mould makes your wall look dirty.

Although the end of lease cleaning will be the best option to tackle this problem, the following procedure can also help. Have a look:


  • Mix one parts bleach to four parts water.
  • Gently scrub and wipe the mould with the damp cloth until it disappears.
  • After that, dry the area with a soft clean cloth.


In this article, we tried to provide you with some tips for wall cleaning. we hope you will get a cleaned wall and your bond money. However, if you are confused how to get things done and lacks time, you can opt for our cleaning service. We are professional end of lease cleaners serving Canberra region. We have proudly maintained a very high success rate in bond returns. Our cleaners are fully insured and security screened. which from professional cleaners.